DART Environmental Compliance Services | Indefinite Delivery Contract

crew member working on equipment near Dallas DART environmental project
  • On-demand emergency response services
  • Completion of Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs)
  • Site investigations/contamination assessments to fully evaluate impacted properties
  • Development and implementation of remedial actions under the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Petroleum Storage Tank (PST)/Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP) rules to close sites with contaminated soil and/or groundwater under the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), Innocent Owner Program (IOP), PST or Corrective Action (CA) programs
  • Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) assistance
  • Comprehensive management and construction associated with petroleum storage or fueling system services
  • Sampling and testing of soil, water, regulated materials and miscellaneous containers
  • Removal and proper disposal of hazardous materials/waste
  • Implementation and compliance with SPCC and SWP3 requirements, performing periodic inspections and conducting stormwater visual sampling events
workers next to crane lifting tank for DART environmental project
graphic of DART Northwest rail operating facility remediation and redevelopment
workers next to crane lifting tank for DART environmental project
graphic of DART Northwest rail operating facility remediation and redevelopment
graphic of DART Northwest rail operating facility remediation and redevelopment
workers next to crane lifting tank for DART environmental project

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